Welcome to North Eastern Institute
of Language and Culture!

NEILAC is a centre for 

research, documentation and revitalisation 

of endangered languages of North East India.

A meeting point of 

local, national, and international researchers 

and community-based language activists.

  A hub for 

endangered language advocacy, 

support and training.

International Conference on LANGUAGE, ECOLOGY, AND CULTURE

NEILAC organized its 1st Conference on Language, Ecology, and Culture (ICLEC), on 30th September and 1st October 2024, at the North Eastern Institute of Language and Culture (NEILAC), Guwahati, Assam, India, in collaboration with the Laudato Si’ Research Institute (LSRI), Campion Hall, University of Oxford. This event is a part of the Festival of Integral Ecology led by the LSRI.

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